Dearly Beloved Brother and Sisters-in-law,
From me, your Sister-in-law and my four children. First, I will share with you, I with my children are still well. The same health I wish you also. My greetings to you, and in the spirit of love be kissed.
I and the children find ourselves in Alexandertal at the moment, except one child, Henry. He is working in the coal mines. Whether we will see him again or not, is not known. That is the way it is with us. We have nothing permanent. We are like the birds, and we look that way, too. We are shadows of ourselves. All we have to eat is what our two younger children are able to beg. The crumbs from the people would be fine, were they only enough. By evening, those from whom we beg don’t have very much themselves. I can’t write or tell you how sad it is with us. Therefore, dear Brother-in-law, Sisters-in-law, Uncle and Aunts (from the children) if you don’t help immediately, we will die of hunger. You can’t possibly imagine how it is with us.
Dear friends, please help us, or we are lost. The help can come by check. Put money in the bank here, send us a check and we can cash it here. Tell them when you deposit, to send the money to Jacob Hoffner at Neu-Norka in Torgsin to Kamyschin. There you will also send letters and everything else.
Why you should not send it to me in my name, you should already know. Jacob Hoffner is Jacob Schmidt’s brother-in-law. He is married to Katie and lives in Norka. He will see to it that I receive it, no matter where I am.
Further, dear friends, I had written you a long time ago, but have not had word from you since. In that letter, I wrote how things were with Heinrich and his heart trouble, and on October 23, 1932 he died in Soreztna. Dear friends you can’t imagine how difficult it was to arrange the burial as we were in a strange city with many strangers around and I knew no one.
Dear friends, from Jacob and Katrina Hoffner. Would you write and let them know where Jacob Schmidt is, and if you see him, tell him to write his sister Katherine and send $5. They have written to him and have had no reply.
We hope and wait.
(From Suzanna, also called Sana, wife of brother Heinrich)
To begin with, in the name of the Lord the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. The dear Lord will give His blessing that this letter will find you in good health. Our health we would not wish upon you. We are all well, but sick with hunger.Now, precious sisters, I beg you, can’t you help us out even a little? Everyone is getting help. Only it’s as if I don’t have any relatives in America at all. But dear sister Julia and dear sister Katia, and with your children, if you could only see us, I know very well you would help us.My feet are swollen so badly they won’t carry me.I want to once again ask you to be so good as to try. Otherwise we will die of hunger.
Dear sister and brother-in-law, have mercy on us in our great need. I know if you would explain to your children exactly, they would put something together so we would not die of hunger. Please have mercy on us. I know you cannot deny us this request. This is already the fifth letter for which we have not received an answer from you. Now, dear sisters, if you want to do something, do it now. Send it to Juliana Meyer. We don’t know how things will change over night.
Please, please, please, please have mercy on me and my children.Once again, greetings and a spiritual kiss. Please, please please don’t waste a minute or it is all in vain. There won’t be any more life left.NOTE: Financial help was sent several times, but never reached it’s destination. It was apparently stolen from the mails. E. L. Kline
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